MAFS Recap: Alex Michael reviews home stay week

On Monday night, Married At First Sight‘s remaining brides finally got the answer to a burning question.

‘I wonder if my future marital home is as sparse and uninspiring as the bloke who lives there?’  

Only one way to find out! 

Today’s the day! On Monday, Married At First Sight’s remaining brides got to find out whether their future marital homes were as sparse and uninteresting as the blokes who live there

Liz and Seb

Planned outage: Seb's onboard AI was updated with a BS-o-meter over the weekend, triggering an argument when he brought up Liz's unhealthy lifestyle and diet

Planned outage: Seb’s onboard AI was updated with a BS-o-meter over the weekend, triggering an argument when he brought up Liz’s unhealthy lifestyle and diet


Aleks and Ivan: It’s Complicated

Aleks and Ivan are so similar that they appear in many of the same ASIO databases. The issue is that Aleks just can’t bring herself to sleep with the poor bastard

Connie and Jonnie: DOOMED

This turned creepy when Jonnie woke up to a ‘Marriage Manifesto’ scrawled in lipstick on their mirror. If you have any information on Jonnie’s whereabouts, please call 000

Drew and KC: DOOMED

On paper, they’re the perfect couple: KC is a good talker and Drew struggles to generate words, making him a ‘good listener’. But KC has jealousy issues and Drew’s got a soft toy problem

Liz and Seb: True Love

Liz finally found a bloke who won’t randomly fat shame her and then bugger off to a funeral. Seb may be running Windows ’95, but he’s still a very reliable – albeit slow – machine

Stacey and Michael: $till going strong

Stacey hates Michael’s guts and everything he stands for. I wonder what she $ees in a multi-millionaire who sells ice to servos for a living 

Mishel and Steve: DOOMED

It’s been one week since Steve told Mishel he thinks she’s ugly, so why hasn’t she left yet? Hint: Mumma smells a Weight Watcher deal! 

Just as Liz had started getting used to Seb – the closest thing science has come to replicating a human life form – he went an installed a mandatory system update.  

Unfortunately, the upgrade from Windows ’95 to XP caused an irreversible change in the way Seb’s ‘brain’ responds to utter BS. 

During their first week of fake marriage, Liz was able to maintain her daily ‘bread dipped in water’ diet without triggering any error messages.  But this week, it was an immediate ‘Error 404’.

‘Seb is into his fitness. He said everything I do is unhealthy, and it was judgy,’ Liz told producers, pausing occasionally to inject sips of water into her eyeballs.

She once again blamed Sam Ball – the misogynistic, fat-shaming leech she was matched with last year – for leaving her traumatised when it comes to food.

Look Liz, we get it, it’s a sensitive area, but don’t throw shade at poor little R2D2 just because Darth was being a d**k. 

Eventually she agreed to pop on some activewear and join Seb for a couple’s workout session in Elizabeth Bay. 

This caused Seb to overheat with excitement and boot into ‘Jurassic Park Protocol’ – a controversial AI feature that was discontinued following a string of incidents involving Sam Neil and Jeff Goldblum in the early ’90s.

Liz managed to escape up a nearby tree, but not before getting the workout of her life.

We didn’t see much of Seb’s house this episode, which is fair enough. Liz may be skinny, but I doubt she can squeeze herself into a USB port.

She said yes! Eventually Liz agreed to go for a run, causing Seb to overheat  with excitement and boot into 'Jurassic Park Protocol' - a controversial AI feature that was discontinued in the early '90s, following a string of incidents involving Sam Neil and Jeff Goldblum

She said yes! Eventually Liz agreed to go for a run, causing Seb to overheat  with excitement and boot into ‘Jurassic Park Protocol’ – a controversial AI feature that was discontinued in the early ’90s, following a string of incidents involving Sam Neil and Jeff Goldblum

Cathy and Josh

Jack s**t: 'I feel really lucky, I've hit the jackpot,' Cathy said as she arrived at Josh's place, just days after he friend-zoned her at the commitment ceremony

Jack s**t: ‘I feel really lucky, I’ve hit the jackpot,’ Cathy said as she arrived at Josh’s place, just days after he friend-zoned her at the commitment ceremony

‘I feel really lucky, I’ve hit the jackpot,’ Cathy said as she arrived at Josh’s place, just days after he friend-zoned her at the commitment ceremony.

They say a man’s home is his castle. Josh’s castle turned out to be a flat pack townhouse next door to Shrek’s house.

Swamped: They say a man's home is his castle. Josh's castle turned out to be a flat pack townhouse next door to Shrek's house

Swamped: They say a man’s home is his castle. Josh’s castle turned out to be a flat pack townhouse next door to Shrek’s house

‘She’s a bit bland, got a mirror and a bed and that’s about it,’ he explained during a short tour.

‘Why is your Christmas tree still up? It’s September?’ Cathy asked.

‘Ohh! That’s what that is,’ Josh replied in bemusement, ‘I fought I just spilled some seeds and fertiliser on the carpet or somethin’.

‘Just be careful of all the dog s**t!’ he cried out as the tour continued in the backyard. 

Where the magic happens: 'She's a bit bland, got a mirror and a bed and that's about it,' he explained during a short tour

Where the magic happens: ‘She’s a bit bland, got a mirror and a bed and that’s about it,’ he explained during a short tour

Love is a battlefield: 'Just be careful of all the dog s**t!' he cried out as the tour continued in the backyard

Love is a battlefield: ‘Just be careful of all the dog s**t!’ he cried out as the tour continued in the backyard

‘And there’s me pool!’ he said, pointing to the several hectares of contaminated swamp bordering his property. 

While a weekend at Josh’s place failed to salvage their floundering marriage, it did go some way in explaining why Josh is the way he is.

It’s hard to develop a level-headed outlook when Shrek’s your landlord.

Why are you like this? While a weekend at Josh's place failed to salvage their floundering marriage, it did go some way in explaining why Josh isn't quite right

Why are you like this? While a weekend at Josh’s place failed to salvage their floundering marriage, it did go some way in explaining why Josh isn’t quite right

KC and Drew

Face to face: After a week of jealous bickering, KC was finally about to meet the horny housemate who's existence had driven a wedge between her and Drew

Face to face: After a week of jealous bickering, KC was finally about to meet the horny housemate who’s existence had driven a wedge between her and Drew

After a week of jealous bickering, KC was finally about to meet the horny housemate who’s existence had driven a wedge between her and Drew.  

Nothing could have prepared her for what was was about to see next: a gigantic stuffed unicorn, sitting on the couch with his eyes taped open. 

‘KC, meet Cornelius!’ Drew said.

'KC, meet Cornelius!' Nothing could have prepared her for what was was about to see next: a gigantic stuffed unicorn, sitting on the couch with his eyes taped open

‘KC, meet Cornelius!’ Nothing could have prepared her for what was was about to see next: a gigantic stuffed unicorn, sitting on the couch with his eyes taped open

Cornelius didn’t reply. Typical.

‘Well, he certainly is horny,’ KC offered.

‘Ohh, right. You’re talking about my human housemate, Jessie? She isn’t here this weekend.’

'Well, he certainly is horny!' This was not who KC expected to meet. 'Ohh, right. You're talking about my human housemate, Jessie? She isn't here this weekend,' Drew said

‘Well, he certainly is horny!’ This was not who KC expected to meet. ‘Ohh, right. You’re talking about my human housemate, Jessie? She isn’t here this weekend,’ Drew said

After yet another salty reaction, Drew thought better of showing her the rest of the house and instead started packing some essentials for a road trip.

‘Cornelius is NOT essentials!’ KC screamed, before storming off to wait in the car.

‘Sorry Cornelius, you’ll have to stay here mate. I know. Yes mate I know she is. Mate. I know. Look, I know Jessie’s more fun but how else am I going to get me blue tick?’  

'Cornelius is NOT essentials!' After yet another salty reaction, Drew thought better of showing her the rest of the house and instead started packing some essentials for a road trip

‘Cornelius is NOT essentials!’ After yet another salty reaction, Drew thought better of showing her the rest of the house and instead started packing some essentials for a road trip

Drew emerged a good twenty minutes later.

‘Sorry about that! he laughed when her emerged a good twenty minutes later, ‘sometimes I feel like my friends are in the world of their own!’   

Waterfalling for you: Getting out of the house proved to be the spark this relationship needed, the pair wrapping up their weekend with a romantic pash by a waterfall

Waterfalling for you: Getting out of the house proved to be the spark this relationship needed, the pair wrapping up their weekend with a romantic pash by a waterfall

Getting out of the house proved to be the spark this relationship needed, the pair wrapping up their weekend with a romantic pash by a waterfall.

‘Jessie and I usually pash over there, but here’s good too!’ Drew beamed.

Trying new things: 'Jessie and I usually pash over there, but here's good too!' Drew beamed.

Trying new things: ‘Jessie and I usually pash over there, but here’s good too!’ Drew beamed.

Michael and Stacey 

Show me the money! Michael and Stacey were relegated to the Connie and Jonnie edit last night, only appearing in a handful on nonsensical scenes

Show me the money! Michael and Stacey were relegated to the Connie and Jonnie edit last night, only appearing in a handful on nonsensical scenes

Michael and Stacey were relegated to the Connie and Jonnie edit last night, only appearing in a handful on nonsensical scenes.

The narrative they were trying to flog was whether Michael’s Adelaide bachelor pad would dredge up further evidence of his party boy lifestyle.  

But this is Married At First Sight, where the truth is always masked by a heavy dose of BS courtesy of the producers.

Who's is this!? The narrative they were trying to flog was whether Michael's Adelaide bachelor pad would dredge up further evidence of his party boy lifestyle

Who’s is this!? The narrative they were trying to flog was whether Michael’s Adelaide bachelor pad would dredge up further evidence of his party boy lifestyle

Our team of master manipulators made sure to get to Michael’s place early, so they could plant the least subtle evidence of all time.

‘Who put these here!’ Stacey screamed, as she opened a practically empty cupboard.

‘Shot glasses and red cups!? You are a party animal after all.’

Red cups? Our team of master manipulators (producers) made sure to get to Michael's place early, so they could plant the least subtle evidence of all time

But wait, there's more! Wait until you see the orgy room, Stace

Orgy room!? Our team of master manipulators (producers) made sure to get to Michael’s place early, so they could plant the least subtle evidence of all time

Come on Stace, who in their right mind would store red cups next to balsamic vinegar?   

The rest of their weekend was filled with similarly inconsequential rubbish, so let’s just forget it ever happened

Not buying it! Come on Stace, who in their right mind would store red cups next to balsamic vinegar?

Not buying it! Come on Stace, who in their right mind would store red cups next to balsamic vinegar?


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